Hotel Line & Social
Officer Camp
Great Leaders Aren't Born, They Are Developed!
At Danceline, we believe that camp is the place to be empowered, pushed and developed into more than you ever thought you could be. Our staff work hard to develop curriculum, choreography and technique classes that meet each dancer where they are and challenge them to go to the next level.

“As I director, when I leave this camp I feel refreshed with passion and purpose. The Officer Camp helped my officers gain not only confidence, but the skills to lead the team to a successful year. They are more motivated than ever!”
Sharitza Ordonez, Brenham HS Director

Plan to arrive the night prior to camp in order to explore the resort or hotel amenities. Traveling far? Then this is the option for you. Most hotels allow check in between 3-4pm allowing you time to unload, unpack and bond before camp begins! We highly recommend this option for all campers.
Don't Need Hotel?
For those who do not need the hotel option of our camp experience, here are the Hotel Commuter Camp Options that you can choose from.

“Out of all the officer camps we have attended, Danceline is clearly the best officer curriculum, hands down! We appreciate how much detail you put into your seminars.”
- Keri Pierce, Lindale HS Director

Our sample schedule provides and idea of what our general camp day will include. It is important to note the following:
Team Check-In on Day One generally is from 8:30-9:30am
Hotel Check-In typically is around 3pm
Day 2 & 3 generally begin around 7:30am
Final Evaluations and Award Ceremony are open to parents and typically begin around 2pm
A final schedule will be post for directors closer to camp dates.
Line and Social Officers have their own curriculum and schedule. While some sessions and routines may be together, most will be independent of each other throughout the day but will join together in the evenings.
If you choose the Convention style curriculum, evaluations on Day One will be a Master Class instead.
We give you the option to choose the type of camp curriculum that is right for your team.
Classic camp curriculum offers Daily Evaluations for immediate feedback from our staff. While your dancers are not competing with others, they can compete with themselves to grow each day and make the most of their camp experience. This is ideal for those who want their dance officers to get daily constructive feedback through evaluations.
Convention style offers a master class in place of night one evaluations. Officers will participate in all other evaluations.

At Danceline, we believe that camp is the place to be empowered, pushed and developed into more than you ever thought you could be. Our staff work hard to develop curriculum, choreography and technique classes that meet each dancer where they are and challenge them to go to the next level. Whether it is in their leadership skills, choreography, dance technique, performance or confidence, we desire for each dancer to experience encouragement and development that makes a positive impact on their lives

10 Choreography Sessions that will give you the chance to choose the level fit for your dancers
3+ Master Technique Classes that will give you a chance to choose what your officers need the most. Classes include but are not limited to: ballet, modern, lyrical, contemporary, hip hop, jazz, turns, leaps, flexibility, constructive rest and more!
Leadership Seminars that are strategically developed for the type of officers you have brought to camp such as 1st year Officers, Veteran Officers, Captains/Head Officers
Team Building Workshops that give your officers something to take back to their team
Optional Curriculum: Traditional Camp with evaluations for more a chance at more instand feedback OR Convention with more options for technique sessions.
Personal Attention from Staff Big Sis
Great Catered Meals!
Resort or Hotel Accomodations that give an amazing experience away from home!
Daily Staff Recognition Ribbons
Daily Gratitude Time at the end of each day to encourage that encourages and empowers each dancer
Leadership Certification for those who qualify through our Comprehensive Evaluation
Various Awards that Recognize Officer Groups for Character, Performance & Overall Achievement at Camp
Elite Team Auditions & Recognitions
Final Award Ceremony for Parents To Attend
“Loved everything about this camp! The staff are so helpful and sweet. The leadership seminars were great. I loved how my socials and line officers worked together yet learned their own responsibilities.”
- Ashley Escobar, Community HS Director
At Danceline, we believe that Social Officers are the Heart of the Team! It's just as important to develop their unique gift set in leadership as it is Dance Officers. Our Social Officer Program is developed with the heart to inspire their creativity, vision and enthusiasm for their special role in the upcoming year!
2-3 Routine Sessions that will give you the chance to choose the level fit for your dancers
3+ Master Technique Classes that will give you a chance to choose what your officers need the most. Classes include but are not limited to: ballet, modern, lyrical, contemporary, hip hop, jazz, turns, leaps, flexibility, constructive rest and more!
Specific Leadership Seminars that all Social Officer need
Various Planning Workshops to get them going for the year
Technology Integrated Curriculum - Smart Devices & Laptops Required!
Team Building Workshops that give your officers something to take back to their team
Special Assignments During Camp To Apply What Is Learned
Personal Attention from Staff Big Sis
Great Catered Meals!
Resort or Hotel Accomodations that give an amazing experience away from home!
Daily Staff Recognition Ribbons
Daily Gratitude Time at the end of each day to encourage that encourages and empowers each dancer
Leadership Certification for those who qualify through the Final Presentation Project
Various Awards that Recognize Officer Groups for Character, Performance & Overall Achievement at Camp
Elite Team Auditions & Recognitions
Final Award Ceremony for Parents To Attend

Middle/Junior High
Officers Are Welcome
Did You Know That We Have Officer Training For Middle School & Junior High Dancers?
At Danceline USA Every Dancer Matters To Us and that includes those youngest dance leaders in Middle and Junior High School! ALL Hotel Officer Camps offer a special program for these young leaders. The curriculum is very similar to the high school level but with a few modifications that are based on their development and skill levels.
Want to Host a District Wide Junior High Officer Camp on Your Campus?
We are open to new hosts for the coming summer. Please contact Victoria at vsdanceline@gmail.com for more information and details. All host teams receive special benefits and discounts!
Run when you can, walk when you need to and crawl if you must; just never give up!

At each officer and team hotel location, there is a professional development program for Directors that is focused on leadership, education and dance training. All directors will receive a letter and Professional Developement Certificate upon completion of camp.
Our camps are dedicated to meeting your needs for continuing education and professional development while giving you a few days to relax. You will be surrounded by like-minded leaders who will invigorate you with new ideas for the year ahead.
Daily Professional Leadership Seminars
Technology Training & Integration
Planning Sessions with Captain, Officers and Social Officers
Dance & Fitness Classes
Rookie Coach Advisement
Round Table Discussions & More!

We believe in offering performance and dance educational opportunities that are well-planned and allow dancers and parents to experience the best of our trip destinations. The Elite Team is selected each summer during our camp programs. All Danceline camp participants are eligible to audition. Selections are based on dance and performance ability, academic record and staff and director recommendations. Danceline USA makes dance experience trips available each year. Danceline Elite Team has performed and traveled to New York, Walt Disney World, Walt Disney Land, Los Angeles, Branson, San Antonio, Fort Worth, Cozumel and the Bahamas.
“Camp was a long drive for us, but when we arrived it was so worth it. This camp was extra special because of the theme. I absolutely love the values of Danceline and how they instill it in each girl. We are Danceline “Lifers!” Such a wonderful camp! "